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Thank you!

May 19th, 2010 at 10:08 pm

Thank you to those of you who responded to my first entry with encouraging words. I appreciate it!

I am just about done with my master list of debt. I am not sure how to post my spreadsheet in that even possible? If not I will post them on the side like I see so many others do.

After much deliberation I have decided that I am going to attack my smallest balance Visa card first. I think if I can get rid of it in a short time frame I will feel like I am going somewhere. And that somewhere is where I want to be all the time Smile

So, my first goal is to throw every single spare penny I have to this account. Here is where I stand:

Credit Limit $3000.00
Current Balance $1611.05
Balance is 54% of my limit
Current minimum monthly payment= 0.00 (ok, sure)
My minimum monthly payment =$50.00
Interest on both purchases and balance transfers= 10.65%

Right now I am waiting for a few bills to clear my bank and then I will have a better idea of what I can "contribute" to this account. I have about $20 sitting at home waiting to be deposited into my account from various sources...I can definately transfer that over once I get to the bank, which I should do soon since cash doesn't last long in my hands.